Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Shooting Video

However, this reported shooting took place 12 hours after marks shooting at a July 4 parade near Chicago which left 6 people dead and approximately 30 people who were badly injured and wounded. However investiga still trying to figure out who all but they are behind this mass shooting and what was the intention. When the police read the destination they said that get out of this and run away far from this place many people were just taking videos but they were not understanding the fact that there is a big shooting taking place. However, talking to the police department so they decided to order a 5% crew and go into a truck and they were close the door and the window ho,wever th, shouting took place for 90 minutes and full is still searching for the Shooter who promoted all this shooting.

2 Officers Shot In Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Shooting

However, when the reporter was the event manager named Mayor Jim Kenny he was mentioning that he was always wearing about the events taking place in this city. People were going out to enjoy the 4th of July but such an entertainment incident took place at this location. If there would no gun shooting took place so it will be a very great day for everyone however the weather was very beautiful and everyone was out there with their families enjoying the 4th of July however now it’s high time the government should step out and take strict action towards the people who are being involved in this gun shooting

Suspect Name & Photo Revealed

However both the officers were short near the park Away on Monday night, however, one of the officers from the police department of Highway petrol officer was 36 years old and he has been wound on his forehead. However, if we talk about the other officer who has been included in this tragic fun shooting so he was hit by the gunfire and was assigned to the Montgomery country Sharif office Bomb Squad. The officer was 44 years old and talking about his situation so now he is out of danger but he has been increasing round on his shoulder one of the officers has been discharged and he is completely fine now but he is having a rod and a bandage over his forehead.


WATCH  Philadelphia s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Shooting Video  2 Officers Shot  Suspect Name   Photo Revealed  - 26WATCH  Philadelphia s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Shooting Video  2 Officers Shot  Suspect Name   Photo Revealed  - 64WATCH  Philadelphia s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Shooting Video  2 Officers Shot  Suspect Name   Photo Revealed  - 28WATCH  Philadelphia s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Shooting Video  2 Officers Shot  Suspect Name   Photo Revealed  - 13